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The Federation of The Annunciation Catholic Schools

‘Be who God meant you to be...’

Religious Education

At The Annunciation Schools we offer high quality teaching of Religious Education. It is at the heart of everything we do. Our pupils are offered a broad and engaging Religious Education curriculum. Children explore their faith in depth, with joy, and achieve well. 

Year 4 lead the school in a Virtual Easter Prayer service.

We have written prayers for National Day of Reflection remembering a year since the first lockdown.

We have been looking at Mark's Gospel in RE this term. The image on each bead represents the events of Mark's Gospel.



Our RE displays in class reflect our current topic. In Year 4, we wrote our Lenten promises on leaves.



In RE this half term, we have been focusing on the story of Moses and have reflected on Passover at the time of Jesus and how Passover is celebrated today.

We are still maintaining our high standards of creativity in RE while at home! Here is a wonderful example from a Year 3 child. She has retold the story of Moses as part of our new RE topic 'Jesus at Prayer.'


Islam 2018

Artwork produced by Y6 when looking at The Nativity according to Luke Nov 18

Visit our Twitter page to watch a dance choreographed by the Y5 pupils for Remembrance Day. Nov 18


Y3 making Advent wreaths in joyful anticipation of the birth of Jesus - Nov 18


Just a few of the rosaries made by the children for the month of Rosary. Oct 18



Some Y6 chose to create hanging mobiles to share the key messages from Luke's Nativity story - Nov 18



Y3 and 4 created Advent calendars to anticipate the waiting of the birth of Christ - Nov 18



Using computers to research and present information on the context of Luke's Nativity story - Nov 18


Our Mission Statement projects... Children were invited to express what our mission statement meant to them in any way they liked! October 2018

The Annunciation made using play doh in Y3 for our prayer table - Nov 18


Art showing the Nativity in Y3 Nov 18



Year 5 using Pie Corbett visual strategies to story map the story of the Nativity Nov 18



Our Diddy- Doms using coloured lolly pop sticks to spread the Good News Nov 18



Y6 PowerPoint on Saints Nov 18


Art depicting the Trinity from a selection of year groups Oct 18

Y5 responding to a tweet from the Pope about Adoremus - Oct 18



Y5 looking at the meaning on the Eucharist - Oct 18



Y5 created dances to represent the Trinity Oct 18



Children using audio recordings in R.E Oct 18



Y5 rewrote 'A Sky full of Stars' by Cold Play to show their adoration of Jesus Oct 18



Y5 using weaving to illustrate where the Trinity is revealed in Scripture 0ct 18



Jenny Whelan, Chaplin from St. James came to school today to meditate with pupils as part of Adoremus Oct 18.



Y5 tweeted their own metaphors about God using a 160 characters like Twitter allows 0ct 18



Drama depicting the story of the Burning Bush in Y3 - Sep 18



Y6 finding the nature of God looking in popular fiction texts Sept 18


Beautiful Adoremus based art work from Y5 Sep 18

Creative Mrs Minihan's Pope visit project. Y3 had to make posters. Y4 Interviews. Y5 Newspaper articles . Y6 first person recount. Sept 18



Y5 exploring God's creation via different mediums Sept 18



Y3 expressing their understanding of the Trinity through braiding Sept 18



Children sewing images of God's creations in after school sewing club Sept 18



Y3 chose to respond to today's collective worship in whichever way they wished. July 18



Y4 building lego Mandirs as part of their work on Hinduism July 18



Y4 painted stones and wrote words they think of as they reflect on the Month of Our Lady May 18


The Annunciation Catholic Infant School

020 89592325

The Annunciation Catholic Junior School

020 89060723