Religious Education
Classroom Religious Education and Programme of Study
Religious Education is the "core of the core curriculum" in a Catholic school (Pope St John Paul II). Placing RE at the core of the curriculum in our schools helps us to fulfil its mission to educate the whole person.
The programme of Religious Education we follow, ‘In God’s Name’, is in line with the Catholic Directory as specified by the Bishops Conference of England and Wales. This programme is taught in a three year cycle and links to the liturgical year. The content of this programme offers a systematic programme of study.
Using, ‘In God’s Name’ we plan and deliver a Religious Education curriculum that is ambitious for all pupils. It is a curriculum that is coherently sequenced and is successfully adapted for all pupils. The units are age appropriate and give pupils the chance to develop their knowledge, understanding and religious literacy. Key skills are revisited throughout the curriculum with an aim that children know more, can do more and ultimately remember more. Scripture plays an important part in the programme and links are made between Bible readings and children’s lives.
Religious Education Policy: