Parent Teachers Association
All parents, carers and staff are welcome to become a member of The Federation of The Annunciation Catholic Schools PTA.
We are always looking for new recruits to be part of this fabulous, hardworking team. It is lovely to welcome those with new fresh ideas and different skills that can be brought to the table. The PTA relies heavily on new recruits to keep the fund raising going. As our children leave in year 6, so do our PTA parents, so please do not be shy, we would love to welcome you to the team!
What the PTA does
We are passionate about our school and helping our children be the best they can be. Over the year we have raised money to help the school in numerous ways, from buying resources to use in class such as ipads and equipment for the playground to helping to fund the design of our new school website! We also work with the School Parliament to support projects that are initiated and led by the children in the school.
Events and activities
We are always looking for new fundraising ideas and opportunities, but we usually raise money through fun events and initiatives, including:
- Summer and Christmas Fairs
- Easter Egg Raffles
- Easter Bonnet Making
- Autumn Disco
- Summer Friday Lolly Sale
- Refreshments at school productions
If you would like to join our thriving PTA please speak to the Chair our our PTA, Mrs. Campbell.