Jubilee 2025: Pilgrims of Hope
Pope Francis has declared that the year 2025 will be a Holy Year of Jubilee for the Catholic Church – an event that takes place just once every 25 years.
The theme for the 2025 Jubilee is “Pilgrims of Hope”, an invitation to reignite the flame of hope in our own hearts and to share the light of our Christian faith with all we meet.
The concept of Jubilee is one rooted in the Book of Leviticus, calling people of all generations to re-establish a proper relationship with God, with one another, and with all of creation. Today, the Catholic Church celebrates this tradition once every 25 years as a year of grace, offering the faithful the opportunity to renew faith through prayer, pilgrimage, acts of charity.
Pope Francis has called this Jubilee Year ‘Pilgrims of Hope’. It is an invitation to renew our hope, a hope which comes from knowing that God loves each one of us, whoever we are. He has asked us to be signs of hope for others, by putting Catholic Social Teaching into action through caring for our common home, and supporting our sisters and brothers who are experiencing war, hunger or poverty.
Over the coming months, there will be plenty of opportunities for the children to celebrate the Holy Year with a range of events, watch this space for further updates
You may like to access some of the resources below to help you prepare for the Holy Year or to familiarise yourself with it.
Jubilee Launch Day