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The Federation of The Annunciation Catholic Schools

‘Be who God meant you to be...’


Governing Board of The Federation of The Annunciation Catholic Schools

The Governing Board


The Governing Board of The Annunciation Catholic Schools

The Governing Boards of the Infant and Junior Schools federated in 2022 and became known as The Federation of The Annunciation Catholic Schools. The Board is made up of 14 members: 8 foundation governors appointed by the Archdiocese of Westminster; 2 parent governors elected by the parent body; 1 staff governor elected by staff; 1 co-opted staff governor appointed by the Board; 1 local authority governor and the Executive Headteacher ex officio.


Foundation governors have a specific duty to preserve and develop the Catholic character of the schools and ensure that they are conducted as Catholic schools in accordance with Canon Law, the teachings of the Catholic Church and the Trust Deed of the Archdiocese of Westminster. All governors have voting rights.


The Governing Board is a corporate board, made up of volunteers who serve for a period of 4 years. To enable governors to fulfil their responsibilities, they undertake regular training related to aspects of their work. In addition to safeguarding the Catholic ethos and promoting British values, the role of the Board is to: 

  • ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • hold the schools to account for the educational performance of pupils and performance management of staff
  • oversee the financial performance of the schools and ensure money is well spent.

Therefore, the role of the Governing Board is strategic rather than operational. It is the Executive Headteacher who is responsible for the day to day organisation and management of the schools.


Governors are members of at least two of the following committees:


  • Religious Education, Teaching and Learning
  • Finance and Resources 
  • Pupils, Parents and the Community 
  • Staffing 
  • Admissions 


The Executive Headteacher attends all committee meetings. Each term after committee meetings have taken place, all governors attend the Full Governing Board meeting. Mr Stephen Frayne is Clerk to the Board and is contactable at the Junior School address.

The Governing Board Strategic Plan 2023 - 2026

The Federation of The Annunciation Catholic Schools Governors Induction Handbook

Governing Board Statement 2022 - 2023

Governors Code of Conduct

Governing Board of The Annunciation Catholic Junior School 2022 - 2023

The role of the school governor

Gillian Allcroft, Deputy Chief Executive of the National Governors' Association, explains the important role of governors in overseeing the financial perform...

The Annunciation Catholic Infant School

020 89592325

The Annunciation Catholic Junior School

020 89060723